This section provides a demonstration of how the code in this toolbox can be used. The sample results are also provided.

Three options are demonstrated: Using 10 x 10 cross validation , using 1x10 cross-validation using a sequential spliting of data and using halfway split intro training and test data sequentially.

Subject-specific 10 x 10 cross-validation on BCI Competition Dataset IV 2a

The code below shows how to perform 10 x 10 cross-validation using on the BCI Competition Dataset IV 2a using this toolbox. In the, create an instance of the MLEngine class by passing the details of the data folder as follows:

from bin.MLEngine import MLEngine

'data_path' : "/Data/BCICIV_2a_gdf", #path to data folder 
'file_to_load': 'A01T.gdf', #filename to load and perform cross-validation
'ntimes': 10,
'm_filters':2, 'window_details':{'tmin':0.5,'tmax':2.5}
ML_experiment = MLEngine(**dataset_details) ML_experiment.experiment()

In MLEngine.experiment, use the code below:

bcic_data = LoadData.LoadBCIC(self.file_to_load, self.data_path)
eeg_data = bcic_data.get_epochs()

fbank = FilterBank(eeg_data.get('fs'))
fbank_coeff = fbank.get_filter_coeff()
filtered_data = fbank.filter_data(eeg_data.get('x_data'),self.window_details)
y_labels = eeg_data.get('y_labels')

training_accuracy = []
testing_accuracy = []
for k in range(self.ntimes):
    '''for N times x K fold CV'''
    train_indices, test_indices = self.cross_validate_Ntimes_Kfold(y_labels,ifold=k)
    for i in range(self.kfold):
        train_idx = train_indices.get(i)
        test_idx = test_indices.get(i)
        print(f'Times {str(k)}, Fold {str(i)}\n')
        y_train, y_test = self.split_ydata(y_labels, train_idx, test_idx)
        x_train_fb, x_test_fb = self.split_xdata(filtered_data, train_idx, test_idx)

        y_classes_unique = np.unique(y_train)
        n_classes = len(np.unique(y_train))

        fbcsp = FBCSP(self.m_filters),y_train)
        y_train_predicted = np.zeros((y_train.shape[0], n_classes), dtype=np.float)
        y_test_predicted = np.zeros((y_test.shape[0], n_classes), dtype=np.float)

        for j in range(n_classes):
            cls_of_interest = y_classes_unique[j]
            select_class_labels = lambda cls, y_labels: [0 if y == cls else 1 for y in y_labels]

            y_train_cls = np.asarray(select_class_labels(cls_of_interest, y_train))
            y_test_cls = np.asarray(select_class_labels(cls_of_interest, y_test))

            x_features_train = fbcsp.transform(x_train_fb,class_idx=cls_of_interest)
            x_features_test = fbcsp.transform(x_test_fb,class_idx=cls_of_interest)

            classifier_type = SVR(gamma='auto')
            classifier = Classifier(classifier_type)
            y_train_predicted[:,j] =,np.asarray(y_train_cls,dtype=np.float))
            y_test_predicted[:,j] = classifier.predict(x_features_test)

        y_train_predicted_multi = self.get_multi_class_regressed(y_train_predicted)
        y_test_predicted_multi = self.get_multi_class_regressed(y_test_predicted)

        tr_acc =np.sum(y_train_predicted_multi == y_train, dtype=np.float) / len(y_train)
        te_acc =np.sum(y_test_predicted_multi == y_test, dtype=np.float) / len(y_test)

        print(f'Training Accuracy = {str(tr_acc)}\n')
        print(f'Testing Accuracy = {str(te_acc)}\n \n')


mean_training_accuracy = np.mean(np.asarray(training_accuracy))
mean_testing_accuracy = np.mean(np.asarray(testing_accuracy))

print(f'Mean Training Accuracy = {str(mean_training_accuracy)}\n')
print(f'Mean Testing Accuracy = {str(mean_testing_accuracy)}')
print('*' * 10, '\n')

In order to use MIBIF feature selection, use Classifer.feature_selection = True. The method can be kept as follows:

def fit(self,x_train_features,y_train):
    MI_features = self.MIBIF(x_train_features, y_train)
    MI_sorted_idx = np.argsort(MI_features)[::-1]
    features_selected = MI_sorted_idx[:self.n_features_select]

    paired_features_idx = self.select_CSP_pairs(features_selected, self.n_csp_pairs)
    x_train_features_selected = x_train_features[:, paired_features_idx]
    self.features_selected_indices = paired_features_idx

    return x_train_features_selected

Using the above settings on each subject (the compeition training data, i.e., filenames ending with ‘T’) should produce the results below. Note that for reproducibility, the random seed value for every ntimes has been fixed as the index of that fold.

Subject S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 Mean
Accuracy (MIBIF, n=4) 82.56 51.64 84.35 57.62 70.31 48.42 87.53 85.11 84.03 72.40

Subject-specific 1 x 10 cross-validation with sequential split on BCI Competition Dataset IV 2a

The code below shows how to perform cross-validation by sequential splitting of data from the BCI Competation Dataset IV 2a. Note that this only uses 1x10 cross validation therefore ntimes must be passed as 1. In MLEngine.experiment(), use the following line for obtaining the training and test split by sequential splitting.

    train_indices, test_indices = self.cross_validate_sequential_split(y_labels)

The settings above then produce the results as follows.

Subject S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 Mean
Accuracy (MIBIF, n=4) 83.03 48.65 83.97 56.29 72.18 51.02 86.77 83.63 82.94 72.05

Subject-specific train-test with half-half split on BCI Competition Dataset IV 2a

The code below shows how to use sequential half and half split of the data into training (first half) and test (second half) sets. Note that this is only meaningful to be performed once. Therefore, both ntimes and kfold should be passed as 1. In MLEngine.experiment(), use the following line to obtain the sequential half-half split into training and test sets.

    train_indices, test_indices = self.cross_validate_half_split(y_labels)

The settings above then produce the results as follows.

Subject S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 Mean
Accuracy (MIBIF, n=4) 79.17 43.06 79.86 52.08 63.19 43.05 81.94 78.47 77.08 66.43